Senin, 22 Agustus 2022



The Wonderful of Art

    Hello there! welcome to this page, where you can find some interesting facts about art. I also hope that this page can help you in knowing some about art. Ok, let's we start!

So, what do you think about art?

1. Definition of Art

Basically, art is a work that has a very meaningful meaning behind the work, such as dance, painting, carving and so on. Beside that, for more information about art. Art includes many human activities in creating visual, audio, or expressing imagination, the technique of making it, to appreciate its beauty or emotional strength.

Art has its own types and definitions
Here are several types of definition of art.

- Painting : Painting is one of the derivative forms in art that will create two-dimensional works of art to get a certain impression.

- Drawing : Drawing is an activity of forming an image, making certain patterns on the surface of the media by processing strokes from drawing tools.

- Music : Music is the science or art of arranging tones or sounds in sequences, combinations, and temporal relationships to produce compositions (sounds) that have unity and continuity.
(according to KBBI)

- Dance : Dance is a rhythmic body movement that is performed for certain purposes, and expresses the expression of the soul. resulting in an element of beauty and deep meaning.

And many more.


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